Real Economy

Business Enhancement

We support families to define and implement a sustainable strategy that will enhance and grow the business assets over time.

Investment Valuation

Family Strategy guides and advises significant estates on investment opportunity evaluation through a thorough analysis of the risk / return profile.

Deal Set-Up & Family Buy-Out

We assist in the structuring and management of investment opportunities, whether via generational transfer or independent third-party arrangements.

Club Deal

BE THE FUTURE project is an investor club focused on the real economy of the future.


The Real Economy project is aimed at complex asset holders:

  • who intend to establish or strengthen a long-term path of sustainability and enhancement for their business assets
  • who have included – or intend to include – real economy investments in their strategic asset allocation

There is also a strong focus on the development of personal and business relationships.



“Generational handover is no longer taboo”     “Small is no longer beautiful”

  • Asset holdings are the very core of large estates. They must be preserved and transferred to future generations.
  • However, where the appropriate conditions are not in place, the business asset musts be adequately valued.
  • The principle of “father to son” remains a central element, but recognition of the next generation’s need for emancipation is essential. It allows them to cultivate a different type of relationship with the family business.
  • Today, more than ever, ‘small is no longer beautiful’. Issues of structural growth and adaption arise suddenly for many Italian SMEs.


“Reduced correlation with financial markets”     “Rewarded for illiquidity”

  • The current climate is unprecedentedly characterised by yields, being compromised downwards by available liquidity and negative rates.
  • Illiquid instruments are playing an increasingly important role in investor portfolios.
  • The real economy closely resembles the DNA of multi-generational assets.
  • Large estates are fundamental to socio-economic stability in the world today. They play a significant role in nurturing and supporting the social and environmental sustainability of the country as whole.

Business Enhancement

We support families to define and implement a sustainable strategy that will help to enhance and grow the business assets over time.

Investment Valuation

Family Strategy guides and advises large estates on the evaluation of investment opportunities through a thorough and detailed analysis of the risk / return profile.

Deal Set-Up & Family Buy-out

We offer specialised and bespoke consultancy on how to structure and customise autonomous vehicles / projects geared towards Direct Private Equity activities, or via generational transfer.

  • Gestione e coordinamento investitori
  • Strutturazione impianto contrattuale
  • Definizione della governance
  • Definizione della struttura dell’investimento
  • Definizione della struttura finanziaria
  • Supporto fund raising

  • Supporto alla negoziazione
  • Strutturazione impianto contrattuale
  • Definizione della struttura dell’investimento
  • Definizione della struttura finanziaria
  • Supporto fund raising

Club Deal

Family Strategy collaborates with and provides technical support to BE THE FUTURE., an Investor club focused on real economy projects. It is primarily interested in innovation and the elements of social impact.

BE THE FUTURE. researches, selects and generates real economy investment opportunities, and actively works to manage and enhance their performance.

Its mission is to guide multigenerational assets towards the real economy, nurturing their development in the medium to long term through a definitive industrial and sustainable investment approach.


Value creation based on the fundamentals, on doing business and sharing views and ideas.


For long-lasting growth.


To contribute to fairer, more compassionate world and strengthen the company’s social role.


To foster team stability, integration and to enhance individual talents.


Responsible: Jonathan Donadonibus
