
Patrizia Misciattelli delle Ripe
Patrizia has had a distinguished career, holding senior positions in the private banking sector for over twenty years. In 2005, Patrizia founded and still chairs AIFO (the “Association of Italian Family Officers”). She graduated in philosophy, specialising in psychosociology, and is a regular speaker at conferences on Family Office, Generational Succession, Impact Investing and Sustainability.

Emanuele Giangreco Biancheri
Emanuele is a management engineer with more than twenty years of experience consulting on organisational development and the enhancement of human capital in SMEs. He is primarily focused on generational wealth succession and deals with international relations at AIFO.

Michela Guicciardi
Michela is a qualified TEP (“Trust and Estate Practitioner”) with a degree in economic and social sciences. She has accumulated experience in wealth administration and taxation matters pertaining to Trusts, the third sector and philanthropy. At AIFO, she is a procurator for the Technical Committee of the AIFO Philanthropy Trust Onlus.